Increase Giving and Generosity at Your Church

Start building a culture of generosity at your church today by downloading my free guide: 4 Steps to Engage Your Church around Giving and Generosity.


Talking about money to your congregation can feel awkward and even greedy. If you want to increase giving and build a positive culture around generosity, this guide is the perfect first step for you.

Hi, I’m Carey Nieuwhof. In this free guide, I share 4 practical steps and mindset shifts you can take to engage your congregation around money and generosity.

I understand the hesitancy and worry you have around talking about money…

It’s awkward enough talking to your friends and family about it, and now you have to talk about it in front of dozens, hundreds, and thousands of people.

And even when you speak about it as earnestly, biblically, and honestly as you know how to, you still take a few bullets when you talk about money to your congregation.

My free guide, 4 Steps to Engage Your Church Around Giving and Generosity, will give you practical steps and mindset shifts you can use as early as today to start building a culture of generosity at your church—whether that’s one-on-one with a member or in front of everyone on Sunday morning.

Download it for free by completing the form on this page.